This condition appears after you have taken gluten thus causing sensitivity to it or complete intolerance. It is usually accompanied with the following symptoms: gastrointestinal issues, pain in joints, fatigue, and depression.
The most common one is the grain wheat which is present in bread, pasta, and cereals. Also soups, salads, and dressings can contain gluten, but in small amounts.
Furthermore, grains like barley and rye contain gluten. Rye is present in beer, bread, and cereal. Consuming these foods and beverages can trigger gluten intolerance.
Celiac disease
This disease is a severe gluten intolerance disease being classified as an autoimmune disease, which incites problems to the small intestine. If a person with celiac disease consumes gluten, then an abnormal immune response is being activated that directly attacks the intestines. If this continues for a longer period of time, it will damage the body’s ability to adequately absorb the needed nutrients. So, if it is not treated accordingly, it can cause long-term health complications. According to some studies, 1 person in 100 is suffering from celiac disease.
Persons with sensitivity to gluten almost instantly notice improvements as soon as gluten is removed from their diet.
Fatigue and exhaustion
According to a performed study, fatigue or exhaustion is related to gluten intolerance. Namely, this relation is based on the de-allocation of the body’s energy reserves and inflammation.
Abnormal function of the immune system
The antibodies, otherwise known as IGA antibodies, protect the body from flu, colds, and as well as from other diseases. Likewise, they can affect the function of the immune system, and are found in saliva and in the digestive tract. Since they impact the immune system you can develop this disease when these antibodies counteract with your immune system.
Brain fog
Many things can cause brain fog, and among them is also gluten intolerance and/or Celiac Disease. Patients suffering from these diseases reported brain fog as common symptom.
Muscle and joint aches
Inflammation and joint pain are common symptoms of gluten sensitivity which has been proven by many scientists. Likewise, another study released by the Arthritis Foundationlinks gluten sensitivity to arthritis and joint pain.
Migraines or headaches
Migraines or headaches can be extremely painful thus significantly impeding your daily activities. Persons who experience gluten intolerance are more prone to headaches and migraines.
Skin issues
Persons who have gluten intolerance suffer from skin issues like eczema, acne, and DH (dermatitis herpetiformis). There are also other symptoms such as rashes, redness, burning, itchiness, and blistering.
Dental issues
Gluten intolerance is also accompanied by canker sores and ulcers in the mouth. Likewise, persons with gluten intolerance have reduced levels of calcium, which is vital for the good health of your teeth.
Unexpected weight gain
Two things which cause weight gain are: malabsorption and gut permeability. Yet, there is a solution for this as soon as persons with gluten intolerance remove gluten from their diet they regain their healthy weight index.