The toxins present in our body become eliminated through fever, feces or vomit. But, whenever the immune system is off-centered, our body will start to attack itself. The immunity becomes weaker by greater consumption of wheat, sugar as well as products which are full of GMO.
These are some of the diseases that people mostly have:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Autoimmune Conditions
We live in a modern era where people suffer from numerous different illnesses that are really serious. Some of the most common are autoimmune disorders and cancer which are mostly caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, processed foods, heavy metals, viruses, parasites etc.
What Happens To The Immunity So That It Becomes Weak?
The toxins present in our body become eliminated through fever, feces or vomit. But, whenever the immune system is off-centered, our body will start to attack itself. The immunity becomes weaker by greater consumption of wheat, sugar as well as products which are full of GMO.
These are some of the diseases that people mostly have:
Rheumatoid arthritis
Autoimmune Conditions
How Can We Detox Our Body and Strengthen Our Immune System?
Healthy diet
The diet needs to be pretty healthy. Avoid processed foods, GMOs, refined as well as pasteurized ingredients,sugar etc. That will help you in the process of cleansing. Make sure you also avoid alcohol and coffee. Include healthy fats like coconut, avocado, nuts, olive oil, seeds, fish and probiotics.
Cleanse the liver
The liver can be cleansed with the consumption of beets, dandelion root, turmeric, garlic andcastor oil. Drink more carrot juice and consume apples for 7 days in case you have gallstones to dislodge them. You can also be better with the consumption of a mixture that contains lemon juice and olive oil.
Cleanse the kidneys
Poisons can be eliminated from the kidneys if you consume more horsetail, ginger and vitamin B6. You should also include cranberry juice, warm lemon water and ACV.
Colon detox
The waste from the colon can be eliminated with a combo made by triphala and Indian gooseberry. Drink lots of water and eat more vegetables. Include more: fennel, Aloe Vera, coconut,ginger, kefir, vitamin C and garlic.
How Can We Eliminate Heavy Metals?
Include more: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cilantro, garlic, as well as other foods full of sulfur which eliminates heavy metals from the body.
How Can We Eliminate Parasites?
Eat more cinnamon, garlic, coconut oil, cloves etc. Include bentonite clay, too and lots of distilled water.
How Can We Cleanse The Lymphatic System?
You have to work out every day. Walking is also very important. Breathe deeply while you walk or exercise. Another great way to cleanse your lymphatic system is through massages.
How Can WeCleanse The Skin?
Toxins are eliminated through sweating, so try to sweat a lot by doing hot yoga, going to the sauna, a bath with Epsom salts, dry brushing etc. Include more vitamin D and A supplements that are necessary for healthy skin.